
Hello confidexcellers! I know I’ve been out for a while but don’t worry, I’m still here! The reason of this delay is that I finally decided to get into work to release the version 2.0 as soon as possible, and it’s actually a pretty hard simulator to make so it’s taking much more time than expected…

Anyway, the waiting will be so worthy! I got it all already developed and it works right, but the simulator has tons of pictures and information so the main problem has been trying to make it the most functional possible and making it easy to use and I’m in a good way to get it! Do you want to see some screenshots… Check it out!

Yeah! I know it looks good!! But the changes have not only been visual changes but also the settings have been modified for the simulator to be more unique… Now we will be able to decide how every girl is ranking them in five different categories: facial beauty, body, walk style, gown choice and personality aside from their initial status and room for improvement during the competition… The Confidexcelly Beautiful simulators are getting better and better!

And how much is it going to take until it’s realeased… Still don’t know… I’ll try to make it soon, but I can’t promise anything… Anyway, don’t worry because in a few days you’ll have surprise for you to enjoy the waiting too…

See you soon!


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